ADA/504 Appeal Process

Dartmouth's ADA/504 Coordinator (ADAC) provides guidance and support for institutional disability and accessibility priorities. Community members with concerns about Dartmouth's reasonable accommodation processes should contact the ADA/504 Coordinator for Dartmouth.   

Resolving Concerns or Appeals

Dartmouth is committed to providing equal opportunities for students, faculty, staff, and visitors with disabilities to access and participate in our academic, social, cultural, and recreational programs. This commitment is grounded not only in disability law, including Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Sections 504 and 508), the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and the ADA Amendments of 2008, but also in Dartmouth's commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging for all members of the academic community. Dartmouth's ADA/504 Coordinator (ADAC) in the The Equal Opportunity, Accessibility, and Title IX office serves as the first point of contact for information about Dartmouth's Disability-Based Accommodation Appeals Procedures.

Alternative Resolution Process

Dartmouth encourages an efficient and informal resolution of concerns. In many instances, an informal process can resolve a disability-related accommodation concern in an efficient and expeditious manner. Individuals who have disability-related concerns may initially attempt to resolve matters by contacting the Dartmouth Disability and Access Professional (DDAP) to discuss the nature of the concern, factors to consider as part of the interactive process, and whether an alternative resolution process with the relevant individual or program can be engaged.

Individuals who have been denied an accommodation by the DDAP for their school may contact Dartmouth's ADA/504 Coordinator (ADAC) in the Equal Opportunity, Accessibility, and Title IX office.

To initiate an informal appeal with the Dartmouth Institutional Disability and Access Resource office contact the ADA/504 Coordinator, Linda Sullivan ( and provide a description of the situation.  A meeting will be scheduled to discuss the appeal.  Soon after the meeting occurs, the ADAC will contact the proper Dartmouth office/person to discuss the current situation or concern. 

Formal Appeal Procedure

Individuals who are not satisfied with the informal resolution process or who wish to engage in a formal appeal of a decision or action without first seeking an informal resolution should contact Dartmouth's ADA/504 Coordinator who is responsible for responding to allegations of discrimination in the accommodation process.

The accommodation appeal procedure is responsive to situations where there is a disagreement with any action, inaction, or decision resulting in a failure to implement an agreed-upon accommodation, the quality of the accommodation provided, the timeliness of the receipt of the accommodation, an accommodation denial, or any other accommodation-based claim.

To file a formal Disability Accommodation Appeal, contact Linda Sullivan, ADA/504 Coordinator, (603) 646-3920 |